Healing Angels Workshop with Jeffrey Warren

10:00 am - 6:00 pm

Join us for a day long workshop as we learn to connect to the energy of the Angelic Realm. Our primary purpose is working with 9 incredible angels of the healing energy field. You will learn the “Heartlink” technique to connect personally with each of these divine messengers to experience their energy and receive their healing gifts. This workshop teaches and encourages direct communication, where there is no right or wrong. Learn to establish a connection or step deeper into your personal mastery working with the higher realms. There are no pre-requisites of any kind for this workshop. Please join us with an open mind and your curious heart.

This class can be used to deepen your IET – Integrated Energy Therapy training, supporting deeper connections and experiences with the Angelic beings through the amplified energy of the group consciousness, though no IET training is needed to enjoy and receive tremendous benefit from this workshop.

Jeffrey Warren is a healing arts practitioner and IET Master Instructor who is deeply committed to personal discovery, spiritual growth, conscious evolution and transformation through meditation, music, energy therapy and breathwork.

Cost: $99 • Pre-registration required. Please register by April 14th.

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