Joyful Yoga – 6 Week Semi-Private Tuesday Evening Series with Joy Aldrich

5:15 pm - 6:15 pm

Joyful Yoga is an all levels yoga, with an approach to learning about yourself in a nonjudgmental manner. You learn to be present to the energy, sensations, emotions, and thoughts that are constantly flowing through you. This approach begins on the yoga mat and extends to other areas of your life.
We begin with learning to link breath and awareness in the body.
Each class will begin with centering and breathing exercises followed by warm-up stretches that will connect the breath with simple movements and that will prepare the body for the more challenging poses. The yoga poses that are taught in this session are designed to strengthen, stretch and balance the body as well as to awaken and deepen self-awareness. Relaxation and meditation will bring the session to a close. This class is relaxed and slow-paced open to all levels from no experience to those who desire more from their practice.
Cost is $75 for 6 week consecutive series.
Limited to 5 participants. One makeup included if you need to miss a scheduled date.
Dates include November 7, 14, 21, 28, December 12, 19. No class on December 5th. 
About Joy Aldrich
Joy Aldrich is an empowered healing facilitator bringing an eclectic approach to both her personal and professional practice in the healing arts. As a yoga practitioner for over 20 years, she studied and practiced various styles of yoga with New York Capital District’s premier yoga instructor, Kathleen Fisk, KYT. Upon leaving a high stressed career in the aviation industry, Joy brought her love of yoga to the next level and became a registered yoga teacher through Sharing Yoga in Concord, NH and Yoga Alliance.
In her evolving search for unique and therapeutic modalities, Joy has earned mastership in Crystal Healing, Raindrop Technique, Reiki, Shamballa, and the Access Consciousness Bars™, a method which consists of 32 bars of energy that runs through and around your head, connecting to different aspects of your life, otherwise referred to as “Bars”. One of her passionate approaches to helping individuals in their journey of well-being is her intuitive use of crystals which she incorporates in her energy work. Joy creates the space for awakening women’s self-worth, touching the core of each individual, allowing a healing awareness to occur.
Seeking to enhance her spiritual and healing practice, Joy is a continuous student of the Elements, formally studying in a Mystery School in New Hampshire and an ongoing focus on the Goddess and the Mysteries that lay beyond.
Joy uses a multi-layered approach to her healing, focusing on a peaceful and nonjudgmental surrounding to bring about the opening to healing and helping women to embrace their healing journey through self-empowerment using the mind, body, and spirit in a Joyful Alternative.
For more information about Joy, please visit


Bookings are closed for this event.