Kirtan with Bhakti Bliss

7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Kirtan, also known as Bhakti Yoga, is a practice that was developed in India hundreds of years ago.  Kirtan is a ‘call and response’ form of chanting the divine prayers in musical form. Sound has a specific vibration and frequency, and channels of energy are created and carried through the universe.  When sound moves through us, there is a widening effect of the heart chakra, as ripples across a pond.

It is important to note, that although certain people may lead chants, a Kirtan is not a musical performance.   It is a devotional practice, where we can connect with other people.   Everyone is invited to participate with chanting, drumming, dancing, shakers, etc.   With the music and repeating mantras, you can calm your mind, still your soul, and find the love that lies deep inside your heart.

We are each a single bead of Divine water, like droplets in the ocean, each individual and separate, but all made of the same substance, blending together to become one ocean.  For it is through associations with others, that our soul is reflected back to us.

Kirtans are a joyous, blissful celebration to see the blessed Spirit within ourselves, within others, and to honor the Divine Presence.

There is no cost to attend. We will be accepting donations for NH Food Bank at the event if you feel inclined. RSVP appreciated.


Bookings are closed for this event.