Multi-Dimensional Group Healing with Jeffrey Warren – Online

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

This online group healing session utilizes quantum and multi-dimensional healing techniques to support deep cleansing and healing for each participant across a myraid of energetic levels. We will work with specialized healing frequencies to upgrade our energy systems, so that we may move through this world with greater strength and ease. Group is facilitated live online via Zoom. Participants will receive a link via email.


• Utilize specific frequencies to cleanse the physical and etheric layers of the energy body.

• Enhance and upgrade your energy system to function at higher levels- essentially raising your vibration above the energetic components of illness and disease.

• Open your energy channel to connect with higher compassionate beings, energies and frequencies.

• Connect to Quantum Realms for open and infinite healing.

• Allow healing across all personal multi-dimensions.

Jeffrey Warren is an advanced healing arts practitioner and teacher who is deeply committed to personal discovery, spiritual growth, conscious evolution and transformation through meditation, music, energy therapy and breathwork.

Cost: $20 • Pre-registration required.